Es gibt ein großartiges Buch für Sketchnoters und Doodlers 100 + 1 Drawing Ideas von niemand anders als Mauro Toselli, besser bekannt unter dem Twitter Handle @xLontrax. Dieses Buch wurde mit dem IPAD Pro 12,9″, dem Apple Pencil und der App Paper by 53 erstellt.
Was gibt es zu sehen? 100 + 1 Ideen wie man in wenigen Schritten und im Handumdrehen verschiedenste Zeichnungen anfertigen kann. Darin finden sich Tiere, Alltagsgegenstände, Banner, ein bisschen Typografie und alles, was Mauro wohl so beschäftigt in seinem Leben.
Wer ist Mauro Toselli?
Mauro kenne ich über die #todaysdoodle Challenge bei Twitter. Eine Challenge, in der man 365 Tage, bzw. ein ganzes Jahr lang unter diesem Hashtag jeden Tag eine Zeichnung absetzt. Mehr darüber findet ihr in diesem Blogpost. Im März 2015 hatte er eine Sketchnote über meinen Schwiegervater entdeckt, und mich angesprochen, ob ich nicht eine Sketchnote auf der Website veröffentlichen möchte. Ich fühlte mich als Sketchnote Neuling sehr geehrt, habe dafür zwar eine andere Sketchnote ausgewählt aber war sehr sehr stolz. Die Sketchnote hieß „Lilly goes to New York“ und ihr könnt sie hier sehen. Seit dem sind wir über die #todaysdoodle Crew eng verbunden und als ich einen Gastartikel, den ihr hier lesen könnt veröffentlichen durfte, war ich natürlich überglücklich! Vor allem, weil es ja um zwei Leidenschaften ging… Was Mauro sonst so macht in seinem Leben könnt ihr im nachfolgenden Interview lesen!
Für wen ist dieses Buch gedacht?
Für alle, die den ersten Schritt ins Zeichnen von Dingen und Gegenständen wagen wollen. Besonders interessant die Seite 100, wo Mauro beschreibt, wie man eigentlich alles in 6 Schritten zeichnen kann und worauf man sich am besten konzentriert, damit das auch gelingt. Ich musste mir das Buch sofort kaufen, vor allem auch für meine Workshop Teilnehmer.
Entstehung von 100+1 Drawing Ideas
Wie im Interview beschrieben, war es ursprünglich nicht geplant ein Buch zu veröffentlichen. Mauro hat sich diese Challenge sozusagen selbst auferlegt und während er Tag für Tag seine Zeichnungen absetzte, kam ihm die Idee, all das in einem Buch festzuhalten. Das Buch ist wirklich „low budget“ produziert, ums Geld verdienen geht es im nicht und er erwartet von seinen Lesern nur eines: Reinkritzeln, Seiten heraus reißen, nicht die Angst haben, ein Buch zu ruinieren! (Da habe ich doch glatt gleich 3 bestellt!!) Das Buch ist über Amazon zu bestellen und kostet nur EUR 5,35 !
Ich freue mich ganz besonders, dass Mauro mir ein Interview gegeben hat. Wer sich für Sketchnotes interessiert, kommt an diesem Mann nicht vorbei!
1. Wie kam begann Deine Sketchnotes Geschichte? When and how did your Sketchnote Story start?
It was on about in September 2012. I was looking for a different way to take notes and mainly to work with ideas. Like any other else I googled „note taking“ and after a few of the links to bullet lists, mind map and usual techniques I found THE link to Mike Rohde website. That was the moment I realized sketchnote was a thing and I clearly remember I thought „I want to do this“. So I jumped, super excited and head first, in the practice and learned the hard way that being a sketchnoter is, yes, a mindset but between what you would like to do in your head and what your hands will do there is a lot of difference. I was in need of a guidance and I found Mike’s first book „The Sketchnote Handbook“ was on preorder on Amazon. I ordered it and started to practice analysing and drawing inspiration from everything I found on the web. The book arrived on Dec 27th 2012 and I twitted a picture mentioning Mike. Today I may say that was the precise moment when my sketchnoting carreer started.
2. Was machst Du sonst so im Leben? – What are you doing in your normal life?
I’m an IT Director at an Italian publishing company. I still have (and want) a very active and operative role: in addition to the stuff a Director have to do such as leading the team, budgeting, forecasting, strategy and other bla bla bla things, I still write codes, work with hardware and do some help desk. This because I believe that my work impact on the life of those who work on the systems my team and me manage and build. Getting my hands dirty, sharing the problems with the team and wearing users‘ shoes is the best and the only way to test, analyze and learn how to make our systems and our lives better.
3. Wann und wie hast Du Mike Rohde kennengelernt? – When and how did you met Mike Rohde?
First contact ever was on Dec 27th 2012 when he kindly replied my tweet. Then we tweeted and replied each other a few times. On Apr. 12 2013 one of my sketchnotes was published on and Mike and me started to email each other a couple ot times a month chatting about sketchnotes and ideas. Mike is a „Sir“ and a very generous person and he always replied my emails. In spring 2014 Mike started to work on his second book and he made me „an offer I can’t refuse“: on April 2014 I officially started working with Mike as a Sketchnote Army curator. I had the occasion to know more about him, we started to chat not only about sketchnote but about life, visions and projects. Today Mike is not only my sketchnote mentor, is one the „important people“ of my life. We met in person only once so far , in April 2015 in Prague. Mike was invited as keynote speaker at ICON2015 Conference and I joined him. It was beautiful! We spent 3 days together and one day, while having our dinner in a restaurant, he sketchnoted our meals on the paper cloth. Ok, I said, practice makes better, perfection is a DNA matter. Incredible!!! If I draw a line, it’s a line, if Mike draws a line, it’s a sketchnote. Don’t ask me why, I’m not able to explain this. I learned more in those 3 days than in the 3 previous years.
4. Wo findet man Dich im Netz? Where can we find you in the world wide web?
Twitter is where I’m more active as @xLontrax , I’m on Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr . You can find all of my contacts on my website .
5. Wie kam die Idee zu SketchnoteArmy – How came the idea to found SketchnoteArmy?
So glad you asked!!! As you may have already understood I’m NOT the Sketchnote Army founder, I’m the curator or, as Mike use to say say, the Chief Sketchnote Officier. I like to make this clear: Mike Rohde is the ideator, founder and owner of . Aim of the website is to gather sketchnotes and sketchnoters from around the world, to support beginners and to feature examples of how people use sketchnote for various purposes. We all owe Mike for founding and financing
6. War Dein Buchprojekt von Anfang an geplant? Was your book project planned from the very first moment?
Absolutely not! I was waiting a good occasion to start a #the100DayProject and I found that learning how to draw something by doing it on a daily basis was perfect for the project.
I did it and shared everything. Beside my own learning experience I noticed that the community was very interested in the tutorials so, once I posted the Day #100 sketchnote, I started wondering what to do next with that bunch of drawings. I asked the community and the response was clear. I posted the whole collection on Flickr, made a webpage about the project and started working on the book. The plan was to produce a book at very low cost and so I did. I don’t care about profit, I have a wage to pay grocery and bills, I rather want „circulation“. Let me make a step back: I firmly believe that the more people will sketchnote, the better the world will be. The biggest barrier between people and sketchnote is that false assumption saying „I can’t draw“. Well, this book is for those who don’t believe they can draw, this book want to encourage people to grab pen and paper and start drawing and start sketchnoting. If this book can make even one single person to embrace sketchnote in his life, it’s mission will be accomplished.
7. Was erwartest Du von Deinen Lesern? What do you expect people reading your book?
I must quote myself and copy paste this from the book‘s website: I want people to take notes ON my book, add colors, add features and details, writing on the pages and without regret, without the fear of ruining an expensive book. I want children to play with it, tear the pages off, destroy it without their parents getting mad.
8. Wer sind Deine Lieblingssketchnoter ? Any favourite Sketchoters?
A lot! I admire and draw inspiration from all the talented sketchnoter in the #todaysdoodle Crew (and, of course, you as well Diana). Back in 2012 my path was the same as the majority of sketchnoters out there and I followed and read everything from the Masters: Mike Rohde, Sunni Brown, Dan Roam mainly.
However, I have my Top 5 of those who actually made a dent in my Sketchnote Univers:
- Mike Rohde
- Jeannel King
- Rebeca Zuñiga
- Carolyn Sewell
- Julian Kücklich
Finally, please allow me to mention not a sketchnoter, a Designer, the Big Guy: Aaron Draplin
9. Könntest du Dir ein Leben ohne Sketchnotes vorstellen? – Can you imagine life without sketchnoting?
Yes! Don’t be disappointed J there is a reason for this. The immutable artifact, that black on white piece or file I export from the iPad is only the final step of the process and very often I leave my sketchnotes behind me (eg: paper cloth in cafeterias) or delete files.
But, of course, No! Not at all! I can’t afford to loose the Mindset I developed by the practice of sketchnote. What is in between an idea inception and the last mark on paper is, to me, the most important part, the Sketchnote is in the process, not only in the final physical outcome.
10. Welche Tips hast Du für Sketchnoter? Wich hot tips do you have for sketchnoters?
Stop sketchnoting once in a while. Catch a breath, try writing, painting, running, singing. When you’ll start again you’ll be a better sketchnoter. It’s a promise.
11. Möchtest Du noch etwas sagen? – anything you want to add?
Yes, Sketchnote is powerful. Sketchnoters Mindset even more. Change the World, one Sketchnote at a time!
Thank you Mauro for this great Interview!!
Wenn Mauro erwartet, dass man reinkritzelt in das Buch? Bitteschön:
Eure Diana, ich zeichne dann mal was!
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